Meet Adam not only is he a member of our Patient and Public Panel but he also volunteers as a community first responder in Lancashire.
Which came first the panel or CFR?
I was one of the first people to join the PPP almost 2 and half years ago. While I wanted to be a CFR for a long time I was only able to join at the beginning of the year.
Explain what do as a panel member and as CFR?
As panel members, we are given the opportunity to influence how the service works. We get to hear about different projects and policies and get the chance to say what we think. I’ve got involved to give my opinion about several projects in the last year and my voice has been heard at the highest level.
I volunteer as a CFR around three times a week. When you sign on, control gets in contact via pager. They let me know when there are any incidents in my area that they want me to respond to. They are usually cardiac arrests, heart attacks, or strokes, anything where a quick response is needed. I will then let them know whether I can attend and if needed I will perform the immediate help the patient needs before the ambulance crew arrives.
What made you want to be a panel member?
I want NWAS to be the best ambulance service in the country. I thought I could play a role in that by using my family’s experiences of PTS and my employment history of working on emergency ambulances for a number of different trusts and providers.
What made you want to be a CFR?
I wanted to become a CFR to help my community in their hour of need. I work on ambulances full-time as-well-as teaching first aid. I find it more of a hobby than a job and it’s really satisfying. I love being a part of Team NWAS and am proud to tell people what I do. Putting the uniform on, and signing on the pager is definitely a proud moment.
What is the best part of being a volunteer?
I would say the best part of being a volunteer is the confidence and fulfillment I get from helping people and knowing I can make a difference. Helping people in their hour of need either by offering emergency care, or just simple tender loving care is really satisfying. And I really would urge people to get involved and see for themselves how great Team NWAS is.