Nurse’s Day falls every year on 12 May, the day of Florence Nightingale’s birth. Giving us the chance to highlight the remarkable difference they make to so many lives every day.
We have over 150 registered nurses working in the organisation. The majority work within our Clinical Hub and for the NHS 111 service, giving medical advice to patients over the phone. Some respond to patients and dual registered paramedics/ nurses and advanced practitioners. We also have nurses working within corporate and training roles
Our nurses’ broad wealth of experience is a great advantage to the service. They bring different perspectives to the job, with experience of the wider NHS, which provides shared learning for all other clinicians.
NWAS Chief Nurse Emma Orton says, “I’m incredibly proud of my nursing background. And while the ambulance service, of course, is known for its paramedics and emergency medical technicians, I’m very keen that the nursing profession provides a vital contribution to the organisation.”
Earlier this week, we welcomed our first professional lead nurse, Michelle Ashworth to the organisation whose role is to look at training and career pathways for Nurses within the organisation, in line with our organisational strategies.
Emma adds, “We have some incredibly skilled nurses in the organisation who we really value, and we want to create a solid career pathway for nurses in senior clinical roles, and also corporate and leadership roles.
“We recently created roles which have seen nurses enhancing their clinical skills and working towards advanced practice, and the new role of professional lead nurse will look further at these opportunities, demonstrating that we are committed about the contribution nurses can make.”