Ramadan 2024 – guidance for managers and staff
The guidance is aimed at all managers and staff to develop awareness of the importance and the impact of Ramadan on our work colleagues as well as our patients and the wider Muslim community, during this period.
Modern Slavery Act 2015 – NWAS Statutory Statement
The Modern Slavery Act is an Act to make provision about slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour and about human trafficking, including the provision for the protection of victims. You can read all about it in this statutory statement
Acronym log
We use a lot of acronyms at NWAS! This handy guide explains some of the most common ones you might here.
Pictorial communication ebook
The handbook uses symbols, pictures and simple words to help our staff communicate with patients who may not be able to speak or provide clear or coherent information.
Risk Appetite Statement (RAS) 2024/2025
NWAS endeavours to establish a positive risk culture within the organisation, where unsafe practice is not tolerated and where everyone of our people feels committed and empowered to identify and correct and/or escalate system weakness.
Bereavement guide
A brief guide for friends or family of a deceased patient so they know what they need to do and who to contact following a death.
NWAS spend over £25k – October 19
In line with the government’s commitment to greater transparency, this spreadsheet details North West Ambulance Service's expenditure over £25,000