Preventing falls: How medicines management can help you stay safe as you age
A postcard with practical tips to prevent medicines-related falls.
When to call for an ambulance easy read guide
This is an easy read guide about our 999 emergency service and how this service works
Patient Transport Service easy read guide
This is an easy read guide about our Patient Transport Service and how this service works
Useful information about your local ambulance service booklet
This useful booklet includes details on the types of calls we class as needing a priority response, the different ways we manage 999 calls, what alternatives to calling 999 there are, and the importance of letting us know when an ambulance is no longer required.
SMS Texting Leaflet
If you cannot make voice calls, you can now contact the 999 emergency services by SMS text from your mobile phone. Emergency SMS is part of the standard 999 service which has been designed specifically for people with hearing loss, deafness or difficulty with speech.
In case of emergency (ICE) card
The printable leaflet holds space to include ICE emergency contact details like name, telephone number and full address
First Aid leaflet
The leaflet describes what to do in an emergency situation, whether it is heavy bleeding, choking etc