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This action plan sets out the work that we will do in 2023/24 to improve the experiences of staff with disabilities and long-term conditions.
We have based the actions identified on the most recent WDES data.
- the Workplace Disability Equality Standard (WDES) Metrics
- the trust’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priorities
- the High Impact Actions from the NHS EDI Improvement Plan
to show how the actions cut across various frameworks. These are set out below and listed as numbers in the action plan.
NWAS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priorities:
Priority 1
We will make sure our current employees and future talent have fair opportunities, access to jobs and career progression.
This will result in more diverse representation at all levels of the organisation.
Priority 2
We will educate and develop our leaders and staff to improve understanding of:
- racism
- discrimination
- cultural competence
to deliver a step change in the experience of our staff and patients.
Priority 3
We will improve our use of patient data and patient experience.
To make improvements in access and health inequalities for patients from diverse communities.
NHS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Improvement Plan
High Impact Action 1
- Chief executives
- Chairs
- Board members
must have specific and measurable EDI objectives. They will be individually and collectively accountable for these.
High Impact Action 2
Fair and inclusive recruitment processes and talent management strategies that target under-representation and lack of diversity.
High Impact Action 3
Develop and put in place a plan to get rid of pay gaps.
High Impact Action 4
Develop and put in place a plan to address health inequalities in the workforce.
High Impact Action 5
Put in place a comprehensive:
- induction
- onboarding
- development
programme for staff that we recruited from other countries.
High Impact Action 6
Create an environment that gets rid of the conditions in which:
- bullying
- discrimination
- harassment
- physical violence
happen at work.
Improve the likelihood of employing disabled staff from shortlisting across all posts.
Workplace Disability Equality Standard metric (2022/23 position)
Metric 2
Non-disabled applicants are 1.26 times more likely be appointed. The target figure is one.
Actions and stakeholders
- Embed recommendations from the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion Inclusive recruitment audit
HR Hub
- Review and refresh the Recruitment and Selection Policy
Workforce Development
We will:
- continue to deliver Beyond Bias training for all people managers
- conduct surveys to collect feedback from all candidates. This is to highlight any improvements and encourage them to re-apply
Expected outcome(s)
A 0% difference in appointment rates between non-disabled and disabled applicants ensuring equal and fair opportunities for all applicants.
12-18 months.
Progress / how will this be monitored?
- Annual workforce employment monitoring
- Diversity & Inclusion Sub-Committee monitoring progress and effectiveness of the Beyond Bias training
Link to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priority and High Impact Actions
- Trust EDI Priority 1
- High Impact Action 2
Formal performance process
Equalise relative likelihood of:
- disabled staff
compared to
- non- disabled staff
entering the formal capability Process.
Workplace Disability Equality Standard metric (2022/23 position)
Metric 3
Disabled staff are 1.47 times more likely to enter performance process. The target figure is one or below.
Actions and stakeholders
HR team
We will:
- review the Workforce Performance Management Policy and Procedure with the policy group
- support managers in achieving fair decision-making by addressing workplace bias. We will do this through challenging decisions which:
– undermine Trust’s values,
– fail to treat employees fairly - undertake periodic reviews of disciplinary cases with ED&I Team to consider whether the disciplinary process is being used fairly across all staff groups
Learning & Occupational Development
We will:
- offer North West Leadership Academy coaching to staff needing support
- promote disability awareness training to NWAS staff. For example, training provided by Lexxic
Expected outcome(s)
- Consistent and fair treatment for employees who have difficulty performing their duties
- Reduction in difference between disabled and non-disabled staff entering formal processes
- Improved awareness of disability related needs among staff and managers
March 2024/ongoing.
Progress / how will this be monitored?
We will:
- continue to promote training
- continue to link with Disability Network and be the Learning and Occupational Development link for any future developments
Link to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priority and High Impact Actions
- Trust EDI Priority 2
- High Impact Action 6
Negative experiences
Aim 1
Reduce the number of disabled staff experiencing harassment, bullying, abuse & discrimination from:
- (4.1) Patients, relatives, or the public
- (4.2) Managers
- (4.3) Other colleagues
Workplace Disability Equality Standard metric (2022/23 position)
Metric 4.1
Nearly half of disabled staff experienced abuse from the public.
Metric 4.2
Around 17% of disabled staff experienced abuse from managers.
Metric 4.3
More than 1 in 5 disabled staff experience abuse from colleagues.
Actions and stakeholders
Learning and Occupational Development
Provide training for managers, for example:
- Civility Saves Lives which addresses harassment and discrimination
- Active Bystander training
The paramedic and corporate induction process is to be reviewed. Freedom to Speak up and reporting processes are included in this.
We will promote coaching via the North West Leadership Academy for affected staff members.
Expected outcome(s)
- A reduction in the experience for all staff toward zero percent
- Knowledgeable and skilled managers that are able to address any issues
March 2024.
Progress / how will this be monitored?
HR team to monitor:
- Dignity at work
- Grievances cases
relating to issues of bullying/harassment and discrimination.
Supporting frontline managers to deal with prejudicial and discriminatory behaviour and question any unconscious bias and determine appropriate outcomes. Putting actions in place to coach and support local teams to prevent reoccurrence.
Link to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priority and High Impact Actions
- Trust ED&I Priority 2
- High Impact Action 6
Aim 2
Empower more staff to report incidents and experiences relating to harassment, bullying and abuse at work.
Workplace Disability Equality Standard metric (2022/23 position)
Metric 4.4
Around 45% of disabled and non-disabled staff have reported their experiences.
Actions and stakeholders
Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU)
- Development of FTSU Team and Champions to increase awareness of routes to speak up
Expected outcome(s)
Improved reporting of incidents related to:
- harassment
- bullying
- abuse
- discrimination
and take appropriate actions.
March 2024.
Progress / how will this be monitored?
- Review of Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) and NHS Staff Survey data
Link to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priority and High Impact Actions
- Trust EDI Priority 2
- High Impact Action 6
Equal opportunities for career progression
Improve opportunities for fair career progression. This will increase confidence that the Trust is providing equal opportunities for career progression and promotion with disabled staff.
Workplace Disability Equality Standard metric (2022/23 position)
Metric 5
Less 50% of disabled staff believe there are equal opportunities for progression.
Actions and stakeholders
Learning and Occupational Development (L&OD)
- Exploration of part-time study options with HEI for Para Apprenticeship programme
- Opportunities for staff to have an annual appraisal. This will a focus on personal development and progression
- Promote the North West Leadership Academy’s Mentoring programmes
- Conduct a learning and development survey. This survey includes questions around how we can tailor our offer to all staff
Expected outcome(s)
- Increase in number of applicants applying for programmes, accessing non-full time study
- Greater staff engagement for career development
- Increase in positive staff perceptions around development and progression
- Promote success stories to inspire others
August 2024.
Progress / how will this be monitored?
- Three cohorts per year – analysing the data following each recruitment process
- Reviewed through the Career Progression Workstream Chaired by Deputy Director of People
Link to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priority and High Impact Actions
- Trust EDI Priority 1
- High Impact Action 2
Attending Work
Reduce the number of staff experiencing management pressure to come to work when sick.
Workplace Disability Equality Standard metric (2022/23 position)
Metric 6
Around 4 in 10 staff still report that they feel the pressure to come in to work when sick.
Actions and stakeholders
HR Team
Investment in additional 4 HR officers to support wider Business HR team. They will be working with managers to improve attendance. Where possible, they will be implementing measures allowing staff to remain in work.
Expected outcome(s)
- Improved manager awareness around disabilities/long-term conditions
- Reduce the number of staff experiencing pressure from managers
- Increased awareness of staff health and wellbeing services
March 2024
Progress / how will this be monitored?
- The Attendance Improvement Team will work with managers to support managing attendance issues
- We have been making extra adverts for posts promoting staff
Link to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priority and High Impact Actions
- Trust EDI Priority 2
- High Impact Action 2
Feeling Valued
- Increase percentage of staff who are satisfied with the extent to which their organisation values their work
Workplace Disability Equality Standard metric (2022/23 position)
Metric 7
More than 75% of staff with disabilities do not feel satisfied with how the trust values their work.
Actions and stakeholders
Learning and Occupational Development (L&OD)
- Opportunities for staff to have an annual appraisal. In the appraisal there is a focus on personal development and progression
- Promote the North West Leadership Academy’s Mentoring programmes
- Conduct a learning and development survey. This survey includes questions around how we can tailor our offer to all our staff
Expected outcome(s)
- Greater staff engagement for career development
- Increase in staff positive perceptions of development and progression
March 2024.
Progress / how will this be monitored?
- Review of NHS Staff Survey results
- Regularly promote success stories to inspire others
Link to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priority and High Impact Actions
- Trust EDI Priority 1
- High Impact Action 2
Reasonable Adjustments
Improve opportunities for staff to request and receive adequate reasonable adjustments at work.
Workplace Disability Equality Standard metric (2022/23 position)
Metric 8
Just under two-thirds of staff said that we’ve made them adequate reasonable adjustments.
Actions and stakeholders
HR Team
AIT team to develop and roll out
- training
- supporting guidance
for managers around
- managing
- implementing
reasonable adjustments to support attendance at or return to work.
HR to collaborate with managers to challenge biases. These could hamper the Trust’s ability to fulfil its:
- legal
- internal
obligations to supporting employees with a disability.
Staff Engagement & Wellbeing
- Review and refresh the Work and Wellbeing Passport, ensuring it is fit for purpose
Expected outcome(s)
- Clarity for staff around how to request reasonable adjustments. A clear process to follow for managers
- Increased opportunities for staff to access reasonable adjustments
- All employees who have RA in place receive an annual review to ensure these are fit for purpose
March 2024.
Progress / how will this be monitored?
- Drafted a procedure which is in consultation
- Developed training which is being rolled out to local teams
- Rolling Health and Wellbeing communications campaign
Link to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priority and High Impact Actions
- Trust ED&I Priority 1
- High Impact Action 2
Board representation
- Maintain equity of representation for disabled board membership and disabled workforce
Workplace Disability Equality Standard metric (2022/23 position)
Metric 10
14% of Board members have declared a disability or long-term condition.
Actions and stakeholders
People Team
- Reduce levels of non-disclosure amongst Board members
- Deliver diverse recruitment pools for any Very Senior Managers or Non-Executive Director posts
Expected outcome(s)
- Ensure accurate representation recorded
- Disabled representation in candidates
- Maintaining positive representation on Board
December 2023, and as vacancies occur.
Progress / how will this be monitored?
- Annual Employment Monitoring Data
Link to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Priority and High Impact Actions
- Trust EDI Priority 1
- High Impact Action 2